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New CNP Point of Sale

Blount County Schools Child Nutrition Program has purchased a new Point of Sale system!

While ALL STUDENTS will receive 1 FREE Breakfast and 1 FREE Lunch each day, students must enter
their PIN numbers into the point of sale for these meals to be tracked. PIN numbers must also be entered
to order extra / a la carte items. Any extra / a la carte item purchase must be paid/prepaid.

To fund your student’s account, we recommend parents/guardians deposit money using MySchoolBucks.
Cash and check payments will still be accepted as well. You can also use MySchoolBucks to receive low
balance alerts, set up automatic payments, and set daily/weekly spending limits for those who choose to
purchase extras / a la carte items.

Student account balances from our previous point of sale have been imported into the new system.
Funds that remain in your student’s meal account at the end of the school year will be carried over to the
next year. Parents/guardians requesting refunds, please email

If your student has any allergies or other medical concerns, please notify the Nurse and CNP Manager at
your child’s school so that this information can be entered into the system. This will alert our staff to help
monitor their meals.

Please note that serving lines may be slower for the first couple of days with the new point of sale system,
but as the students and staff familiarize themselves with the system the lines should move much more

If you have any questions, please contact me at 205-775-1654 or and I will be
glad to assist you!

Megan M. Mitchell
Child Nutrition Program Director
Blount County Schools